April 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Apr 1 15:15:00 GMT 2014
Ending: Wed Apr 30 23:43:00 GMT 2014
Messages: 166
- Getting a full signature of template instantiation
David Abdurachmanov
- casting variadic function pointer to non-variadic function pointer
Pavel Andrejs
- C99 struct initialiser with embedded self assignment
Dimitrios Apostolou
- C99 struct initialiser with embedded self assignment
Dimitrios Apostolou
- Issue while building GCC-4.6.1 on rhel 6.4
David Bernier
- C++ and objective-c
Steven Boyls
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
David Brown
- Expected Behavior in Mixing -std=c++0x and default std?
Hei Chan
- Expected Behavior in Mixing -std=c++0x and default std?
Hei Chan
- Compilation takes too long time
Yuriy Chernyshov
- Compilation takes too long time
Yuriy Chernyshov
- Compilation takes too long time
Yuriy Chernyshov
- Order of initialization of global/static variables
Yaron Dayagi
- gcc 4.9.0 and cilkplus high kernel cpu usage?
Vincent Diepeveen
- How to prevent pre-inlcude of stdc-predef.h
Frank Dordowsky
- gcc/arm and implementing libraries by hand
Jędrzej Dudkiewicz
- Trouble with automatic symbol export/import on Cygwin64
Jean-Pierre Flori
- Trouble with automatic symbol export/import on Cygwin64
Jean-Pierre Flori
- link errors with -flto and -Wl,-soname,f.o
Jay Foad
- Error building GCC
Vladimír Fuka
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Dave Gittins
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Dave Gittins
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Dave Gittins
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Dave Gittins
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Dave Gittins
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Dave Gittins
- Bug linking using ld 2.19?
Dave Gittins
- libtool problems while building gcc
Dave Gittins
- libtool problems while building gcc
Dave Gittins
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Marc Glisse
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Marc Glisse
- Linking against particular libssl
Marc Glisse
- Error building GCC
Marc Glisse
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Marc Glisse
- variables order(arrange)
Man Glory
- variables order(arrange)
Man Glory
- Building GCC 4.9 RC with in-tree binutils
Matt Godbolt
- Building GCC 4.9 RC with in-tree binutils
Matt Godbolt
- Building GCC 4.9 RC with in-tree binutils
Matt Godbolt
- Problem with GCC 4.9.0, Wextra, c++1y, and post-preprocessed linux header files
Matt Godbolt
- Problem with GCC 4.9.0, Wextra, c++1y, and post-preprocessed linux header files
Matt Godbolt
- Problem with GCC 4.9.0, Wextra, c++1y, and post-preprocessed linux header files
Matt Godbolt
- Need some help with a possible bug
George R Goffe
- Pb on gcc : no warning on information lost.
Andrew Haley
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Andrew Haley
- why gcc-4.9.0 create larger files on 32bits system than 64btis.
Andrew Haley
- Information on atomics in the gnu extensions: is a dereference atomic?
Andrew Haley
- Determining OS
Kevin Ingwersen
- -all_load for non-OSX?
Kevin Ingwersen
- GNU Objective-C doesn't exists
Kevin Ingwersen
- (gcc-ar/ranlib) Suppress "has no symbols" warning?
Kevin Ingwersen
- C++ and objective-c
Kevin Ingwersen
- Linking against particular libssl
Sahib Jakhar
- Error building GCC
- structures with the same name are messed up
Gyorgy Kovesdi
- structures with the same name are messed up
Gyorgy Kovesdi
- Old GCC has no -fprofile-dir -- workarounds?
Gabor Kozar
- GCC LTO fails static linking while builtins are enabled
Grigoriy Kraynov
- -Wvariadic-macros does not print warning
Prathamesh Kulkarni
- -Wvarargs does not warn for member functions
Prathamesh Kulkarni
- -Wvarargs does not warn for member functions
Prathamesh Kulkarni
- variables order(arrange)
Jeff Law
- variables order(arrange)
Jeff Law
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Jeff Law
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Jeff Law
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Jeff Law
- How to merge OpenACC and OpenMP 4.0 in GCC 4.9
Paolo Leoni
- Help with 552 spam score exceeded threshold
Martin Liška
- Having great difficulty using wstring_convert<> in mingw-builds x64-4.8.1-win32-seh-rev5
Jack PC TLC Ltd
- C99 struct initialiser with embedded self assignment
Manuel López-Ibáñez
- Pb on gcc : no warning on information lost.
Manuel López-Ibáñez
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Manuel López-Ibáñez
- -Wvariadic-macros does not print warning
Manuel López-Ibáñez
- Problem with GCC 4.9.0, Wextra, c++1y, and post-preprocessed linux header files
Manuel López-Ibáñez
- Toy examples of pipeline descriptions with GCC's automata
Paulo Matos
- Playing with devirtualization in g++4.9
Robert Matusewicz
- Gfortran : fortran 90 not supported
Jesús Garicano Mena
- Gfortran : fortran 90 not supported
Jesús Garicano Mena
- gcc appears to ignore -fno-short-enums when used with LTO
Bobby Moretti
- gcc set default option OSX
Haneef Mubarak
- GNU Objective-C doesn't exists
Adrien Nader
- Issue while building GCC-4.6.1 on rhel 6.4
Sandeep Nadkarni
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Agustin Perez Paladini
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Agustin Perez Paladini
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Agustin Perez Paladini
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Agustin Perez Paladini
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Agustin Perez Paladini
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Agustin Perez Paladini
- Best Gcc for IA64?
Seima Rao
- Best Gcc for IA64?
Seima Rao
- Best Gcc for IA64?
Seima Rao
- AW: building gcc to support -mx32
Kai Ruottu
- Linking against particular libssl
Kai Ruottu
- gcc 4.9.0 and cilkplus high kernel cpu usage?
Stefan Ruppert
- Issue while building GCC-4.6.1 on rhel 6.4
- What is the right way to pass optimization flags when building (cross) GCC?
- Building GCC 4.9 RC with in-tree binutils
Paul Smith
- GNU Objective-C doesn't exists
- GNU Objective-C doesn't exists
- GNU Objective-C doesn't exists
- Hint for function which registers to save
Dima Sorkin
- Building gcc for coldfire (m68k variant)
Alexander Stein
- documentation of gcc to learn more about the architecture and implementation
Ian Lance Taylor
- Hint for function which registers to save
Ian Lance Taylor
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Ian Lance Taylor
- Best Gcc for IA64?
Ian Lance Taylor
- Order of initialization of global/static variables
Ian Lance Taylor
- Problem with __start_SECNAME symbol generated by GNU linker
Ian Lance Taylor
- Bootstrapping fails with lto
Henning Thedens
- Playing with devirtualization in g++4.9
Markus Trippelsdorf
- structures with the same name are messed up
Markus Trippelsdorf
- Compilation takes too long time
Markus Trippelsdorf
- Compilation takes too long time
Markus Trippelsdorf
- Using GCC to convert markup to C++
Akos Vandra
- Preventing that a function inlines other functions
Dominik Vogt
- Determining OS
Jonathan Wakely
- Playing with devirtualization in g++4.9
Jonathan Wakely
- Playing with devirtualization in g++4.9
Jonathan Wakely
- Help with 552 spam score exceeded threshold
Jonathan Wakely
- Determining OS
Jonathan Wakely
- casting variadic function pointer to non-variadic function pointer
Jonathan Wakely
- Expected Behavior in Mixing -std=c++0x and default std?
Jonathan Wakely
- Having great difficulty using wstring_convert<> in mingw-builds x64-4.8.1-win32-seh-rev5
Jonathan Wakely
- -all_load for non-OSX?
Jonathan Wakely
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Jonathan Wakely
- Linking against particular libssl
Jonathan Wakely
- building gcc to support -mx32
Jonathan Wakely
- Error building GCC
Jonathan Wakely
- Issue while building GCC-4.6.1 on rhel 6.4
Jonathan Wakely
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Jonathan Wakely
- helping the compiler with asserts-hints to optimize
Jonathan Wakely
- Need some help with a possible bug
Jonathan Wakely
- Need some help with a possible bug
Jonathan Wakely
- Problem with GCC 4.9.0, Wextra, c++1y, and post-preprocessed linux header files
Jonathan Wakely
- libtool problems while building gcc
Jonathan Wakely
- structures with the same name are messed up
Jonathan Wakely
- Compilation takes too long time
Jonathan Wakely
- Best Gcc for IA64?
Jonathan Wakely
- Best Gcc for IA64?
Jonathan Wakely
- Order of initialization of global/static variables
Jonathan Wakely
- C++ and objective-c
Jonathan Wakely
- -Wvarargs does not warn for member functions
Jonathan Wakely
- building gcc to support -mx32
Warlich, Christof
- AW: building gcc to support -mx32
Warlich, Christof
- AW: AW: building gcc to support -mx32
Warlich, Christof
- g++ running async???
Florian Weimer
- GCC m68k pc-relative
Serge Wojtowski
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Chung-Ju Wu
- Building gcc with gmp source is failing with "Can't find gmp headers" (Centos 6.5)
Chung-Ju Wu
- gprof out of memory
MR ZenWiz
- [3]
- Local Reg Vars question
- Fwd: (1)
- best document to learn gcc design and architecture?
jestin james
- documentation of gcc to learn more about the architecture and implementation
jestin james
- mips64 compiler complains: linking PIC files with non-PIC files
jestin james
- mips64 compiler complains: linking PIC files with non-PIC files
jestin james
- g++ running async???
- g++ running async???
- Address sanitizer use a lot of memory
- Address sanitizer use a lot of memory
- Address sanitizer use a lot of memory
- GCC option "-melf64ppc" removed since 4.6, any alternative options?
- why gcc-4.9.0 create larger files on 32bits system than 64btis.
- Problem with __start_SECNAME symbol generated by GNU linker
Martin Ünsal
- GCC option "-melf64ppc" removed since 4.6, any alternative options?
Last message date:
Wed Apr 30 23:43:00 GMT 2014
Archived on: Wed Apr 29 23:20:10 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).