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Re: Relocation (= move+destroy)

On Tue, 23 Oct 2018, Jonathan Wakely wrote:

CCing gcc-patches

It seems to have disappeared somehow during the discussion, sorry.

The tricky stuff in <bits/stl_vector.h> all looks right, I only have
some comments on the __relocate_a functions ...

Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h
--- libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h	(revision 265289)
+++ libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h	(working copy)
    uninitialized_move_n(_InputIterator __first, _Size __count,
			 _ForwardIterator __result)
      auto __res = std::__uninitialized_copy_n_pair
	 __count, __result);
      return {__res.first.base(), __res.second};

+#if __cplusplus >= 201402L

What depends on C++14 here? Just enable_if_t? Because we have
__enable_if_t for use in C++11.

Both GCC and Clang will allow constexpr-if and static_assert with no
message in C++11.

Probably it can be enabled in C++11 if you think that matters. I'll admit that I personally don't care at all about C++11, and the main motivation would be to enable a cleanup if we stop supporting C++03 (I am not very optimistic).

+  template<typename _Tp, typename _Up, typename _Allocator>
+    inline void
+    __relocate_a(_Tp* __dest, _Up* __orig, _Allocator& __alloc)

I find it a little surprising that this overload for single objects
using the memmove argument ordering (dest, source) but the range overload
below uses the STL ordering (source_begin, source_end, dest).

But I wouldn't be surprised if we're already doing that somewhere that
I've forgotten about.

WOuld it make sense to either rename this overload, or to use
consistent argument ordering for the two __relocate_a overloads?

The functions were not meant as overloads, it just happened that I arrived at the same name for both, but it would make perfect sense to give them different names. I started from __relocate(dest, source) for one element, and later added an allocator to it. The other one corresponds to __uninitialized_move_a, and naming it __uninitialized_relocate_a would be silly since "uninitialized" is included in the definition of relocate.

I think I'd rather rename than change the order. Do you have suggestions? __relocate_range_a?

+ noexcept(noexcept(__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<_Allocator>::construct(__alloc,

Since this is C++14 (or maybe C++11) you could just use
std::allocator_traits directly. __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits is to
provide equivalent functionality in C++98 code.

Thanks, I was wondering what it was for.

+			 __dest, std::move(*__orig)))
+	     && noexcept(__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<_Allocator>::destroy(
+			    __alloc, std::__addressof(*__orig))))
+    {
+      typedef __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<_Allocator> __traits;
+      __traits::construct(__alloc, __dest, std::move(*__orig));
+      __traits::destroy(__alloc, std::__addressof(*__orig));
+    }
+  template<typename _Tp>
+    struct __is_trivially_relocatable
+    : is_trivial<_Tp> { };

It might be worth adding a comment that this type might be specialized
in future, so that I don't forget and simplify it to an alias template
later :-)


Marc Glisse

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