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Re: [RFC] Enabling loop unrolls at -O3?

Giovanni Bajo wrote:

I believe you are missing my point. What is the GCC command line option for
"try to optimize as best as you can, please, I don't care compiletime"? I
believe that should be -O3. Otherwise let's make -O4. Or -O666. The only real
argument I heard till now is that -funroll-loops isn't valuable without profile
feedback. My experience is that it isn't true, I for sure use it for profit in
my code. But it looks like the only argument that could make a difference is
SPEC, and SPEC is not freely available. So I'd love if someone could
SPEC -funroll-loops for me.

It is not at all the case that SPEC is the only good argument, in fact SPEC on its own is a bad argument. Much more important is impact on real life applications, so your data point that it makes a significant difference for your application is more interesting than SPEC marks. When it comes to GCC, we are more interested in performance than good SPEC figures!

Giovanni Bajo

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