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Re: gcc-3.3.1.tar.bz2 file on tainted?

Gerald Pfeifer wrote:

On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Peter Niemayer wrote:
I downloaded the .gz version, too, and there the md5sum matched.
I unpacked both the .bz2 and the .gz versions (no errors), and
did a "diff -r --brief" on the directories, and found no differences.

The proper way would have been to just unzip2 and gunzip the two archives and compare the .tar files.

That would have been the much quicker way, indeed, but if there had been a mismatch, I would have been very curious to see the difference in a human readable way anyway :-)

Thanks for the notice; I have contacted Mark (our release manager) and
the admins of to see what went wrong (and prevent it in the


I hope the reason is less dramatic than what was just reported by the
german computer magazine Heise about another GNU ftp server ( -
they write that has been hacked and somebody got root-access
since march...:


Peter Niemayer

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