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Possible GPL violation?


There was a post on this list about a year ago, concerning the OpenTV SDK Toolchain. Here is a link:

In short, these people ship software that is derived from gcc and related stuff, but it is very, very difficult to get the source code from them.

I have looked everywhere, but I cannot find any reference whatsoever as to how this went down. Is there anyone out there who knows anything about the inclusion of GPL'd software in the OpenTV SDK? Preferrably, a good way of making them mail you the source code! :)

Please, if there is anyone out there who has any information regarding this issue, help out. Naturally, I've emailed OpenTV a request for the source code in question, but I have recieved no sensible answer. I've waited for about a week.

I am new to this list, so please forgive me if I'm making anything terribly wrong here...

/Fredrik Persson

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