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Re: new contribution

--On Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:12:39 AM -0800 Amal burman 
<> wrote:

> Hello GCC maintainer,
> I am amal barman. I would like to contribute a c++
> library, matrix.h as a part of gcc package to help
> others. This library would have all/most of the
> methods required for matrix operations required by
> engineeres and students. I have developed this header
> alone and I would give it to you for distribution
> along with the gcc package. This code may be copy
> righted under GPL/FSF keeping my name as an initial
> developer. Please send your remarks on this.

It is probably not appropriate for the GCC maintainers to distribute
this package as part of GCC.  However, it is nice that you
have written it, and I hope you will distribute it yourself.
If you would like it to be an official GNU package, you should
contact the FSF directly; if they accept it, it could be distributed
directly from their web site.

Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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