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Copyright years for new old ports (Re: Ping^6: contribute Synopsys Designware ARC port)

Quoting Jakub Jelinek <>:

On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 04:22:38PM -0600, Jeff Law wrote:
>>- The Copyright years should be 2013 in every new file.  Or has this
>>port been released before?
>The port has been available via git for quite a while:
Right.  Was any of this code from Doug Evans's old ARC support?

I don't have version control information to confirm or deny this.  At any
rate, to my knowledge, the Copyright year of any predecessor files has
been included.  And the old port wouldn't fill in any gaps in the 2009-2012
time frame, as any copy - if it happened - would have been much earlier.
I've filled in Copyright year gaps from internal ChangeLogs / revision control
info (inasmuch as available to me) where indicated, but some files were just
not much touched at all.

It doesn't hurt to have 2013 in the dates, and I suspect most files
will get touched as a result of addressing Diego's comments.

I've added 2013 for the affected files that didn't already have that year
in their list/range.

From my understanding, the condition for adding the current Copyright year
without a source code change is to have a release in that year.  Are we
sure 4.9.0 will be released this year?

Because GCC has switched to Copyright year ranges, in fact all the Copyright
lines should be either 2013, or firstyear-2013.

The way I recall the argument is that the releases we make allow us to add
a copyright year without a source code change, and because files on trunk
are included in a release at least once a year, you can fill in a range for
their stay within trunk.  However, this port hasn't been in the FSF gcc trunk
till now, so what we have at this moment are the lists of years when the code
was prepared.

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