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Re: std::vector's freestore management

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 11:11:25AM +0200, Daniel Kostecky wrote:
> In a few days a new feature, called 'tagged_caphint', should be ready.

It's ready at

Release notes:

caphint-020712: The second alpha release.

 * 'tagged_caphint' template introduced

   - reduced space overhead due to the new data member introduced
     to dk_std::vector (only a tag will consume space in a vector

   - caphint instance sharing:
     - the same tag can be used for many vector instances
     - different tags can point to the same caphint instance
     - caphint instances can be shared among vector instantiations

   - 'caphint' class hierarchy exploited

   - tag-to-caphint tables are indeed static, however a possibility
     is given to have a number of separate tables (distinct
     template instantiations)

   - thread-safety issues briefly discussed in the header file

 * 'caphint' stuff placed to the 'dk_std' namespace



Daniel Kostecky, dk at kotelna dot sk

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