Almost there... (episode 2)

Clemens Eisserer
Mon Jul 29 13:31:00 GMT 2002


>Hi Norman,
>I started building the gtk peers just a few days ago. I got a minimal
>gtk-based AWT application running yesterday on my linux i586 machine.
>Before contributing patches to gcc community, I just want to get
>things cleaner (I need background on some configure machinery details).
Wow, great. I think this stuff gcj does really nead. It'll open gcj for 
the broad masses of Java-Linux developers, not everybody is familiar 
with impasse-technologies like Java-GTK or Java-QT  though theyr are 
very impressive.
Good luck, I would be happy to see first working results.

(Waren't there complete X-Lib-Bindings for AWT with very small support 
for SWING. Why doesnt the gcj-group not improve these bindings?

Mfg Linuxhippy

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