building every released version of GCC starting with 4.1.2, with appropriate matching glibc

Toebs Douglass
Fri Apr 7 12:57:00 GMT 2017

On 07/04/17 14:06, Mason wrote:
> On Ubuntu, it's possible to have several versions of GCC coexist.
> (For example, I use 4.8.x, 5.x, and 6.x on the same system.)
> I just installed the packages, of course.


On my Debian, I see 4.8 and 4.9 are available.

However, I know of no systems where every released version of GCC is
available (at least starting with 4.1.2).

Also I expect those different versions are all built using the single
glibc used by the distro?  I would like to vary glibc as well, so I can
benchmark pthread locking mechanisms across glibc versions.

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