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Re: [C++] Should the complexity of std::list::size() be O(n) or O(1)?

On Nov 24, 2005, at 2:32 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

Since it was a mistake to put it there in the first place, why shall
we penalize proper list operations by trying to make an error run faster?

"Trying to make an error run faster" implies the wrong thing. This statement is often stated as "why get the wrong answer faster", which is something I completely agree with. An O(1) size doesn't compute the wrong answer. It merely shifts a performance tradeoff.

The status quo (size() may be O(1) or O(N)) is unacceptable because people, even experts, will do things like this: On_list_size.html#boost%20survey

It just happens because c.size() is usually O(1) for most c. We've been trained that way. Having it sometimes be O(N) for some c is just error prone, especially in generic code (no different than strstream being technically correct and even really useful sometimes, but prone to misuse because of a poor interface design, leading to memory leaks).

If we want to prevent this mistake from occurring in the future, I see only two choices:

1.  Remove list::size.
2.  Make list::size O(1).

Pick the less evil.

Imho, adding a guaranteed O(1) "splice some from other" signature helps to make choice 2 a little more palatable.


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