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Re: sso tradeoffs

On Nov 2, 2005, at 1:47 PM, Paolo Carlini wrote:

Howard Hinnant wrote:

<shrug>  These are just my musings.  I know a lot of good and hard
work has been put into the current sso_string.h.  And I'm confident
that it will blow away the ref-counted design.  But here are some
further considerations...

Another preliminary thought: as you have noticed, this is a "versatile"
string (nothing particularly sophisticated from that point of view, but,
anyway...): this means that, irrespective of the opinions about your
design, you are certainly welcome to constribute a new base class, which
we can deliver in the next releases. You are also welcome to alter (a
bit ;) the infrastructure to suit your needs. As far as I'm concrened,
even having it as default for ext/vstring.h would not be such a big issue.


<nod> Thanks. I should've previously included that I'm not expecting someone else to rewrite or even modify sso_string.h. Obviously some quality work and time has been put into it. I'm in the "bouncing ideas off the group" stage at this point. If the group comes back with a showstopper, I'll know not to spend further time on this one.


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