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Re: FYI: Win32 InetAddress fix (really)

David Daney writes:
 > Gary Benson wrote:
 > > +	// Some soon-to-be-removed native code synchronizes on this.
 > > +	loopbackAddress = LOCALHOST;
 > > +      }
 > > +    catch (UnknownHostException e)
 > > +      {
 > > +	throw new RuntimeException("should never happen", e);
 > > +      }
 > >   
 > Would it be better to throw an InternalError here rather than 
 > RuntimeException?  If it truly should never happen then it would be an 
 > InternalError if it did.  If it can happen, then it should be of some 
 > type the describes the problem.

AFAICR this is the kind of thing that happens if the IP address of the
loopback interface doesn't have a resolvable name,


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