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Re: [PATCH, v3] wwwdocs: e-mail subject lines for contributions

On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 15:04:57 +0000
"Richard Earnshaw (lists)" <> wrote:

> On 03/02/2020 14:13, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 14:00, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:  
> >> Where does your '50 chars' limit come from?  It's not in the glibc text,
> >> and it's not in the linux kernel text either.  AFAICT this is your
> >> invention and you seem to be the only person proposing it.  
> > 
> > It's a fairly well established convention, e.g.
> > and it's what Github suggests
> > (and whines if you go past it).
> >   
> That suggest it as a limit for everything.  If you have a tag and a bug 
> number then then that would leave very little for the real part of the 
> summary and would likely lead to something meaningless or 
> incomprehensible in the remaining characters.  That might be OK for 
> small projects, but for something the size of gcc, I think keeping the 
> extra flexibility is useful.

Hopefully I've been following this discussion properly.

It's important to clarify that there are two *limits* in play here.

The subject should generally be kept to 50 chars or less, This is
because the subject is displayed in the output of commands like
'git log --oneline' and 'git shortlog' which indents more than git log.

Then the message body should wrap after 72-75 chars, again as the
output of the likes of 'git log' indent the message by 4 chars.

Using vim as the git commit message editor, vim will show you when your
subject line is over 50 chars and it wraps the message body after 72


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