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Re: Performance regression testing?

On Nov 29, 2005, at 12:27 PM, Hans-Peter Nilsson wrote:
Ah, ok, good.  I'd eject the ,previous to the filename, and reorder
slightly, but, certainly that is trivial to do.

Um, (typo?) not a filename, but a line from the file with raw results, alternatively the baseline input. The "previous" identifies the baseline. It's supposed to be sed-able as in e.g. "sed -e 's/,previous /,4.2-branch /' < csibe-results > /path/to/baseline/4.2-baseline".

What field order looks better to you?  I'm agnostic, except I'd
like to keep one and the same field delimiter except for the
result, and it's *slightly* easier to keep it as "," (as in the
original csibe output).

4.1-sparc-r104567/my-perf-suite.sum mainline-sparc-r102355/my-perf-suite.sum

name_of_analysis_prog 4.1-sparc-r104567/my-perf-suite.sum mainline- sparc-r102355/my-perf-suite.sum

exactly like dejagnu. Here, there is no previous, there is only the first argument to the analysis program, which, by definition names the `previous' run.

For a cron job, sure, one can have a sym link from previous to the last generated result, then one can do:

run_perf >$RESULT
ln -s $RESULT current
name_of_analysis_prog previous current
mv current previous.

As an non-release engineer, I'm personally more interested in just the regressions on a fast timeframe basis against the last run. A release engineer would also want to track against last released compiler, notice though, that's just another run of the analysis package with a different first argument.

Conflating a single file with a notion of previous is wrong. Better to have them in a separate file, then, one can choose any previous that makes sense.

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