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Re: Stupid issue with Bugzilla

Daniel Berlin <> writes:

| > Is it obvious that my issue is not the same as Sebastian'? I'm talking
| > about text written by hand in the "Additional Comments" free form. The
| > free form presents itself with a given wideness, which I trust when
| > writing my comment to choose carefully the length of the lines and add
| > appropriate line breaks. Then, upon Commit, the text is wrapped to
| > shorter lines. I have no way to anticipate that length when I write and
| > it's way to easy to make mistakes.
| > 
| > Note that this issue is new, didn't happen time ago, maybe started with
| > the Bugzilla update?
| It did.
| Bugzilla now wraps comments sent by the browser.
| Just don't throw in line breaks :)

So, now sentences carefully formatted by the submitted are mutilated
by bugzilla?

-- Gaby

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