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Re: Call for compiler help/advice: atomic builtins for v3

Mark Mitchell wrote:

>>Yes, in principle you are right, but in that case we can reorder the
>>ifs: first i686, last i386 ;) Seriously earlier today I was hoping we
>>can have something smarter than a series of conditionals at the level of
>>libgcc, I don't know it much. I was hoping we can manage to install a
>>version of it "knowing the target", so to speak.
>Yes, GLIBC does that kind of thing, and we could do.  In the simplest
>form, we could have startup code that checks the CPU, and sets up a
>table of function pointers that application code could use.
>In principle, at least, this would be useful for other things, too; we
>might want different versions of integer division routines for ARM, or
>maybe, even, use real FP instructions in our software floating-point
>routines, if we happened to be on a hardware floating-point processor.


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