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Re: Will Apple still support GCC development?

A big endian system is indispensible if you are a compiler writer, because little endian hardware hides too many programmer errors

Can you show example(s) where little endian hides errors? Just curious...

Intel already handed icc + performace libs to apple, but from my experience icc doesn't create any faster code then gcc. Is there any *recent* benchmark that shows otherwise? I know that heavy math code is likely to perform better on icc but this is rather uninteresting to general audience. It would be interersting to see benchmark of programs that usually runs on most desktops/servers like MySQL, Apache, C++ IOStreams-heavy program, C++ STL-heavy program. If there is no such benchmark, I will do something along these lines to prove my (gcc-is-not-slower-then-icc-for-general-use) point.

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