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Re: Gcc installation problem

Robert Dewar wrote:
The concept is simple, no doubt. The implementation (IE what the heck the applicable law actually is in a given jurisdiction) is not. There are general federal laws that give you a base, but it really does vary state to state as to what you can get away with in terms of giving no warranty.

well of course ... that's the whole point of the phrase, it has to be
judged according to the relevant jurisdiction. That's why it is phrased
this way. It's an absolutely standard provision, and there is well
established case law to deal with it.

If German law says you have to provide at least *bla* warranty, then
that's the way things are, and those distributing things under the
GPL must be prepared to provide this *bla* warranty. If they are not
willing to do so, they should be careful about distributing stuff!

This is sooo off topic it's not funny. Any further replies on this subject may land the poster in my killfile. And that goes for me, too :-) - Dan

Dan Kegel

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