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about gcc & ld

Hi, I get my problem when I am study about ELF.
here is a simple c program:
/*  haha.c */
#include "stdio.h"
int main()
I compiled it as following steps
#gcc -c haha.c
#ld haha.o /usr/lib/crt0.o /usr/lib/crti.o /usr/XXX/crtbegin.o
/usr/XXX/crtend.o -lc -o hahald

And It can't work. :(  [but when use #gcc haha.c -o hahagcc]
and hahagcc works.
(I have found a little difference between hahagcc & hahald,
 the section .intrp of hahagcc is "/usr/lib/",
 while hahald is "/usr/lib/
So what's wrong with my way? and how can i make gccld work proper?

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