Bug 91735 - [12/13/14/15 Regression] Runtime regression for SPEC2000 177.mesa on Haswell around the end of August 2018
Summary: [12/13/14/15 Regression] Runtime regression for SPEC2000 177.mesa on Haswell ...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: gcc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: target (show other bugs)
Version: 9.1.0
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: 12.5
Assignee: Not yet assigned to anyone
Keywords: missed-optimization
Depends on:
Blocks: spec vectorizer
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2019-09-11 08:55 UTC by Uroš Bizjak
Modified: 2024-07-19 13:05 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Target: x86_64-*-*
Known to work: 8.3.1
Known to fail:
Last reconfirmed: 2019-09-11 00:00:00

prototype (1.68 KB, patch)
2019-09-13 12:12 UTC, Richard Biener
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Uroš Bizjak 2019-09-11 08:55:50 UTC
The SUSE SPECfp2000 continuous regression tester shows a ~20% runtime regression on Haswell around the end of August 2018.

[1] https://gcc.opensuse.org/gcc-old/SPEC/CFP/sb-czerny-head-64/
Comment 1 Richard Biener 2019-09-11 10:18:46 UTC
From the testers data last good r263752, first bad r263787.

Bisecting points to Richards vectorizer series r26377[1-4], more specifically
r263772.  Perf shows nothing conclusive but all functions slower by the
same percentage.

SPEC 2000 build scripts are oddly redirecting and mangling output so -fopt-info
output is illegible.  Huh, or rather it's even in the dumps when dumping
with -optimized:

polygon.c:140:4: note: polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:  polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note:   polygon.c:140:4: note: loop vectorized using 32 byte vectors

anyhow, differences are for example:

fog.c:157:10: note: loop vectorized using 32 byte vectors
+fog.c:157:10: note: fog.c:157:10: note:  loop versioned for vectorization because of possible aliasing

the above is

void gl_fog_color_vertices( GLcontext *ctx,
                            GLuint n, GLfloat v[][4], GLubyte color[][4] )

      case GL_EXP:
         d = -ctx->Fog.Density;
         for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
            GLfloat f = exp( d * ABSF(v[i][2]) );
            f = CLAMP( f, 0.0F, 1.0F );
            color[i][0] = f * color[i][0] + (1.0F-f) * fogr;
            color[i][1] = f * color[i][1] + (1.0F-f) * fogg;
            color[i][2] = f * color[i][2] + (1.0F-f) * fogb;

and the testcase

void foo (unsigned int n, float v[][4], unsigned char color[][4],
          float fogr, float fogg, float fogb)
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      float f = v[i][2];
      color[i][0] = f * color[i][0] + (1.0F-f) * fogr;
      color[i][1] = f * color[i][1] + (1.0F-f) * fogg;
      color[i][2] = f * color[i][2] + (1.0F-f) * fogb;

at r263771 vectorizes to

        testl   %edi, %edi
        je      .L8
        leal    -1(%rdi), %eax
        vmovss  .LC0(%rip), %xmm7
        addq    $8, %rsi
        leaq    4(%rdx,%rax,4), %rcx
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        vmovss  (%rsi), %xmm6
        movzbl  (%rdx), %eax
        vxorps  %xmm4, %xmm4, %xmm4
        addq    $4, %rdx
        addq    $16, %rsi
        vcvtsi2ss       %eax, %xmm4, %xmm4
        vsubss  %xmm6, %xmm7, %xmm5
        vmulss  %xmm0, %xmm5, %xmm3
        vfmadd132ss     %xmm6, %xmm3, %xmm4
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm5, %xmm3
        vmulss  %xmm2, %xmm5, %xmm5
        vcvttss2si      %xmm4, %eax
        vxorps  %xmm4, %xmm4, %xmm4
        movb    %al, -4(%rdx)
        movzbl  -3(%rdx), %eax
        vcvtsi2ss       %eax, %xmm4, %xmm4
        vfmadd132ss     %xmm6, %xmm3, %xmm4
        vxorps  %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm3
        vcvttss2si      %xmm4, %eax
        movb    %al, -3(%rdx)
        movzbl  -2(%rdx), %eax
        vcvtsi2ss       %eax, %xmm3, %xmm3
        vfmadd132ss     %xmm6, %xmm5, %xmm3
        vcvttss2si      %xmm3, %eax
        movb    %al, -2(%rdx)
        cmpq    %rdx, %rcx
        jne     .L3

while at the next rev it is

        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        andq    $-32, %rsp
        subq    $520, %rsp
        vmovss  %xmm0, -92(%rsp)
        vmovss  %xmm1, -96(%rsp)
        vmovss  %xmm2, -100(%rsp)
        testl   %edi, %edi
        je      .L20
        movl    %edi, %eax
        leaq    8(%rsi), %rcx
        leal    -1(%rdi), %r8d
        leaq    -1(%rdx,%rax,4), %r9
        cmpq    %r9, %rcx
        setnb   %r9b
        salq    $4, %rax
        leaq    -4(%rsi,%rax), %rax
        cmpq    %rax, %rdx
        setnb   %al
        orb     %al, %r9b
        je      .L3
        cmpl    $31, %r8d
        jbe     .L3
        vmovaps %xmm0, %xmm4
        vmovaps %xmm1, %xmm5
        vunpcklps       %xmm2, %xmm1, %xmm0
        movl    %r8d, %r9d
        vunpcklps       %xmm4, %xmm2, %xmm1
        vunpcklps       %xmm5, %xmm4, %xmm2
        shrl    $5, %r9d
        movq    %rdx, %rax
        vmovlhps        %xmm2, %xmm0, %xmm3
        vmovlhps        %xmm0, %xmm1, %xmm0
        vmovlhps        %xmm1, %xmm2, %xmm1
        salq    $7, %r9
        vinsertf128     $0x1, %xmm0, %ymm3, %ymm5
        vmovaps .LC11(%rip), %ymm15
        addq    %rdx, %r9
        vmovaps %ymm5, 488(%rsp)
        vinsertf128     $0x1, %xmm1, %ymm0, %ymm5
        vmovaps %ymm5, -88(%rsp)
        vinsertf128     $0x1, %xmm3, %ymm1, %ymm5
        vmovaps %ymm5, 456(%rsp)
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        vmovups 32(%rcx), %ymm4
        vunpcklps       64(%rcx), %ymm4, %ymm14
        subq    $-128, %rax
        addq    $512, %rcx
        vmovdqa .LC1(%rip), %ymm4
        vmovups -352(%rcx), %ymm3
        vunpcklps       -320(%rcx), %ymm3, %ymm11
        vmovups -320(%rcx), %ymm3
        vpermd  %ymm14, %ymm4, %ymm7
        vmovups -448(%rcx), %ymm4
        vunpcklps       -416(%rcx), %ymm4, %ymm13
        vmovdqa .LC2(%rip), %ymm4
        vunpcklps       -288(%rcx), %ymm3, %ymm10
        vmovdqa .LC1(%rip), %ymm6
        vmovups -256(%rcx), %ymm3
        vpermd  %ymm13, %ymm4, %ymm13
        vmovups -384(%rcx), %ymm4
        vunpcklps       -352(%rcx), %ymm4, %ymm12
        vmovdqa .LC0(%rip), %ymm4
        vunpcklps       -224(%rcx), %ymm3, %ymm9
        vmovups -224(%rcx), %ymm3
        vunpcklps       -192(%rcx), %ymm3, %ymm8
        vpermd  %ymm12, %ymm4, %ymm12
        vmovdqa .LC1(%rip), %ymm4
        vmovups -512(%rcx), %ymm5
        vmovups -192(%rcx), %ymm3
        vunpcklps       -480(%rcx), %ymm5, %ymm0
        vpermd  %ymm11, %ymm4, %ymm11
        vmovdqa .LC2(%rip), %ymm4
        vunpcklps       -160(%rcx), %ymm3, %ymm3
        vmovdqa .LC0(%rip), %ymm5
        vpermd  %ymm10, %ymm4, %ymm10
        vmovdqa .LC0(%rip), %ymm4
        vpermd  %ymm0, %ymm5, %ymm5
        vmovdqa %ymm5, 424(%rsp)
        vpermd  %ymm9, %ymm4, %ymm9
        vpermd  %ymm8, %ymm6, %ymm4
        vmovdqa .LC2(%rip), %ymm6
        vmovdqa %ymm4, 200(%rsp)
        vpermd  %ymm3, %ymm6, %ymm3
        vmovups -128(%rcx), %ymm6
        vunpcklps       -96(%rcx), %ymm6, %ymm0
        vmovdqa %ymm3, 168(%rsp)
        vmovdqa .LC0(%rip), %ymm2
        vmovdqu -96(%rax), %ymm5
        vmovdqa .LC2(%rip), %ymm1
        vmovdqu -128(%rax), %ymm14
        vmovdqa %ymm7, 392(%rsp)
        vpermd  %ymm0, %ymm2, %ymm6
        vmovups -96(%rcx), %ymm2
        vunpcklps       -64(%rcx), %ymm2, %ymm0
        vpshufb .LC4(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm3
        vmovdqa .LC1(%rip), %ymm2
        vmovaps -88(%rsp), %ymm7
        vmovdqa %ymm6, 136(%rsp)
        vmovdqa %ymm13, 360(%rsp)
        vmovdqu -64(%rax), %ymm6
        vsubps  360(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm13
        vmovdqa %ymm12, 328(%rsp)
        vpermd  %ymm0, %ymm2, %ymm2
        vmovups -64(%rcx), %ymm0
        vunpcklps       -32(%rcx), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpshufb .LC7(%rip), %ymm6, %ymm4
        vmovdqa %ymm2, 104(%rsp)
        vpermd  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm0
        vmovdqu -128(%rax), %ymm1
        vpermq  $78, %ymm4, %ymm4
        vmovdqa %ymm0, 72(%rsp)
        vpshufb .LC5(%rip), %ymm14, %ymm0
        vmovdqu -32(%rax), %ymm14
        vpshufb .LC3(%rip), %ymm1, %ymm2
        vpermq  $78, %ymm3, %ymm1
        vpermq  $78, %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpor    %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm3
        vpshufb .LC6(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm2
        vpshufb .LC8(%rip), %ymm5, %ymm0
        vpor    %ymm1, %ymm3, %ymm3
        vpermq  $78, %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpshufb .LC3(%rip), %ymm6, %ymm1
        vpor    %ymm4, %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpor    %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm2
        vpshufb .LC8(%rip), %ymm14, %ymm4
        vpor    %ymm1, %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpermq  $78, %ymm4, %ymm4
        vpshufb .LC9(%rip), %ymm6, %ymm1
        vpermq  $78, %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpmovzxbw       %xmm3, %ymm6
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm3, %xmm3
        vpshufb .LC10(%rip), %ymm14, %ymm0
        vpmovzxbw       %xmm3, %ymm3
        vpmovzxbw       %xmm2, %ymm5
        vpor    %ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm2, %xmm2
        vsubps  392(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm14
        vpor    %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpmovzxbw       %xmm2, %ymm2
        vmovaps 488(%rsp), %ymm0
        vsubps  328(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm12
        vmovdqa %ymm10, 264(%rsp)
        vpmovzxbw       %xmm1, %ymm4
        vsubps  264(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm10
        vmovaps 456(%rsp), %ymm8
        vmulps  %ymm0, %ymm13, %ymm13
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm1, %xmm1
        vmovdqa %ymm9, 232(%rsp)
        vsubps  232(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm9
        vmovdqa %ymm11, 296(%rsp)
        vmulps  %ymm8, %ymm12, %ymm12
        vpmovzxbw       %xmm1, %ymm1
        vsubps  296(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm11
        vmulps  %ymm0, %ymm10, %ymm10
        vsubps  168(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm0
        vmulps  488(%rsp), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vmulps  %ymm8, %ymm9, %ymm9
        vsubps  200(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm8
        vmulps  %ymm7, %ymm14, %ymm14
        vmulps  %ymm7, %ymm11, %ymm11
        vmulps  %ymm7, %ymm8, %ymm8
        vmovaps %ymm0, 40(%rsp)
        vsubps  136(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm0
        vmulps  456(%rsp), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vmovaps %ymm0, 8(%rsp)
        vsubps  104(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm0
        vmulps  %ymm7, %ymm0, %ymm7
        vsubps  72(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm0
        vmulps  488(%rsp), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vmovaps %ymm7, -24(%rsp)
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm6, %ymm7
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm6, %xmm6
        vmovaps %ymm0, -56(%rsp)
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm7, %ymm7
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm6, %ymm6
        vsubps  424(%rsp), %ymm15, %ymm0
        vmulps  456(%rsp), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm6, %ymm6
        vfmadd231ps     392(%rsp), %ymm6, %ymm14
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm5, %ymm6
        vfmadd231ps     424(%rsp), %ymm7, %ymm0
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm3, %ymm7
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm3, %xmm3
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm6, %ymm6
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm3, %ymm3
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm5, %xmm5
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm7, %ymm7
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm3, %ymm3
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm5, %ymm5
        vfmadd231ps     328(%rsp), %ymm3, %ymm12
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm2, %ymm3
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm2, %xmm2
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm5, %ymm5
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm3, %ymm3
        vfmadd231ps     296(%rsp), %ymm6, %ymm11
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm2, %ymm2
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm14, %ymm14
        vfmadd231ps     264(%rsp), %ymm5, %ymm10
        vmovaps 168(%rsp), %ymm5
        vfmadd231ps     232(%rsp), %ymm3, %ymm9
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm4, %ymm3
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm0, %ymm0
        vfmadd231ps     200(%rsp), %ymm2, %ymm8
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm3, %ymm3
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm1, %ymm2
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm4, %xmm4
        vfmadd213ps     40(%rsp), %ymm3, %ymm5
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm1, %xmm1
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm4, %ymm4
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpmovzxwd       %xmm1, %ymm1
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm4, %ymm4
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm11, %ymm11
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm12, %ymm12
        vfmadd231ps     360(%rsp), %ymm7, %ymm13
        vmovaps 8(%rsp), %ymm3
        vcvtdq2ps       %ymm1, %ymm1
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm10, %ymm10
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vmovaps -24(%rsp), %ymm7
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm9, %ymm9
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm14, %ymm14
        vfmadd132ps     104(%rsp), %ymm7, %ymm2
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm8, %ymm8
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm11, %ymm11
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm10, %ymm10
        vfmadd132ps     136(%rsp), %ymm3, %ymm4
        vpackusdw       %ymm14, %ymm0, %ymm14
        vmovaps -56(%rsp), %ymm3
        vfmadd132ps     72(%rsp), %ymm3, %ymm1
        vpackusdw       %ymm10, %ymm11, %ymm10
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm9, %ymm0
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm13, %ymm13
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm8, %ymm8
        vpermq  $216, %ymm10, %ymm6
        vpermq  $216, %ymm14, %ymm14
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm13, %ymm3
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm12, %ymm12
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpackusdw       %ymm8, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpand   .LC13(%rip), %ymm6, %ymm6
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm2, %ymm2
        vpermq  $216, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpand   .LC13(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpackusdw       %ymm12, %ymm3, %ymm3
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm4, %ymm4
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm4, %ymm4
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpermq  $216, %ymm3, %ymm3
        vpackuswb       %ymm0, %ymm6, %ymm6
        vcvttps2dq      %ymm5, %ymm0
        vpand   .LC12(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpand   .LC13(%rip), %ymm14, %ymm7
        vpand   .LC13(%rip), %ymm3, %ymm3
        vpackusdw       %ymm1, %ymm2, %ymm1
        vpermq  $216, %ymm6, %ymm6
        vpackusdw       %ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpermq  $216, %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpand   .LC13(%rip), %ymm1, %ymm1
        vpackuswb       %ymm3, %ymm7, %ymm7
        vpermq  $216, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpand   .LC13(%rip), %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpermq  $216, %ymm7, %ymm7
        vpextrb $0, %xmm7, -128(%rax)
        vpextrb $1, %xmm7, -127(%rax)
        vpextrb $2, %xmm7, -126(%rax)
        vpextrb $3, %xmm7, -124(%rax)
        vpextrb $4, %xmm7, -123(%rax)
        vpextrb $5, %xmm7, -122(%rax)
        vpackuswb       %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpextrb $6, %xmm7, -120(%rax)
        vpextrb $7, %xmm7, -119(%rax)
        vpextrb $8, %xmm7, -118(%rax)
        vpermq  $216, %ymm0, %ymm0
        vpextrb $9, %xmm7, -116(%rax)
        vpextrb $10, %xmm7, -115(%rax)
        vpextrb $11, %xmm7, -114(%rax)
        vpextrb $12, %xmm7, -112(%rax)
        vpextrb $13, %xmm7, -111(%rax)
        vpextrb $14, %xmm7, -110(%rax)
        vpextrb $15, %xmm7, -108(%rax)
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm7, %xmm7
        vpextrb $0, %xmm6, -86(%rax)
        vpextrb $1, %xmm6, -84(%rax)
        vpextrb $2, %xmm6, -83(%rax)
        vpextrb $3, %xmm6, -82(%rax)
        vpextrb $4, %xmm6, -80(%rax)
        vpextrb $5, %xmm6, -79(%rax)
        vpextrb $6, %xmm6, -78(%rax)
        vpextrb $7, %xmm6, -76(%rax)
        vpextrb $8, %xmm6, -75(%rax)
        vpextrb $0, %xmm7, -107(%rax)
        vpextrb $1, %xmm7, -106(%rax)
        vpextrb $2, %xmm7, -104(%rax)
        vpextrb $3, %xmm7, -103(%rax)
        vpextrb $4, %xmm7, -102(%rax)
        vpextrb $5, %xmm7, -100(%rax)
        vpextrb $6, %xmm7, -99(%rax)
        vpextrb $7, %xmm7, -98(%rax)
        vpextrb $8, %xmm7, -96(%rax)
        vpextrb $9, %xmm7, -95(%rax)
        vpextrb $10, %xmm7, -94(%rax)
        vpextrb $11, %xmm7, -92(%rax)
        vpextrb $12, %xmm7, -91(%rax)
        vpextrb $13, %xmm7, -90(%rax)
        vpextrb $14, %xmm7, -88(%rax)
        vpextrb $15, %xmm7, -87(%rax)
        vpextrb $9, %xmm6, -74(%rax)
        vpextrb $10, %xmm6, -72(%rax)
        vpextrb $11, %xmm6, -71(%rax)
        vpextrb $12, %xmm6, -70(%rax)
        vpextrb $13, %xmm6, -68(%rax)
        vpextrb $14, %xmm6, -67(%rax)
        vpextrb $15, %xmm6, -66(%rax)
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm6, %xmm6
        vpextrb $0, %xmm0, -43(%rax)
        vpextrb $1, %xmm0, -42(%rax)
        vpextrb $2, %xmm0, -40(%rax)
        vpextrb $3, %xmm0, -39(%rax)
        vpextrb $4, %xmm0, -38(%rax)
        vpextrb $5, %xmm0, -36(%rax)
        vpextrb $6, %xmm0, -35(%rax)
        vpextrb $7, %xmm0, -34(%rax)
        vpextrb $8, %xmm0, -32(%rax)
        vpextrb $9, %xmm0, -31(%rax)
        vpextrb $0, %xmm6, -64(%rax)
        vpextrb $1, %xmm6, -63(%rax)
        vpextrb $2, %xmm6, -62(%rax)
        vpextrb $3, %xmm6, -60(%rax)
        vpextrb $4, %xmm6, -59(%rax)
        vpextrb $5, %xmm6, -58(%rax)
        vpextrb $6, %xmm6, -56(%rax)
        vpextrb $7, %xmm6, -55(%rax)
        vpextrb $8, %xmm6, -54(%rax)
        vpextrb $9, %xmm6, -52(%rax)
        vpextrb $10, %xmm6, -51(%rax)
        vpextrb $11, %xmm6, -50(%rax)
        vpextrb $12, %xmm6, -48(%rax)
        vpextrb $13, %xmm6, -47(%rax)
        vpextrb $14, %xmm6, -46(%rax)
        vpextrb $15, %xmm6, -44(%rax)
        vpextrb $10, %xmm0, -30(%rax)
        vpextrb $11, %xmm0, -28(%rax)
        vpextrb $12, %xmm0, -27(%rax)
        vpextrb $13, %xmm0, -26(%rax)
        vpextrb $14, %xmm0, -24(%rax)
        vpextrb $15, %xmm0, -23(%rax)
        vextracti128    $0x1, %ymm0, %xmm0
        vpextrb $0, %xmm0, -22(%rax)
        vpextrb $1, %xmm0, -20(%rax)
        vpextrb $2, %xmm0, -19(%rax)
        vpextrb $3, %xmm0, -18(%rax)
        vpextrb $4, %xmm0, -16(%rax)
        vpextrb $5, %xmm0, -15(%rax)
        vpextrb $6, %xmm0, -14(%rax)
        vpextrb $7, %xmm0, -12(%rax)
        vpextrb $8, %xmm0, -11(%rax)
        vpextrb $9, %xmm0, -10(%rax)
        vpextrb $10, %xmm0, -8(%rax)
        vpextrb $11, %xmm0, -7(%rax)
        vpextrb $12, %xmm0, -6(%rax)
        vpextrb $13, %xmm0, -4(%rax)
        vpextrb $14, %xmm0, -3(%rax)
        vpextrb $15, %xmm0, -2(%rax)
        cmpq    %r9, %rax
        jne     .L4
        vmovss  -92(%rsp), %xmm5
        vmovss  -96(%rsp), %xmm6
        andl    $-32, %r8d
        vmovss  .LC14(%rip), %xmm3
        vmovss  -100(%rsp), %xmm7
        .p2align 4,,10
        .p2align 3
        movl    %r8d, %eax
        vxorps  %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm2
        incl    %r8d
        movq    %rax, %rcx
        salq    $4, %rcx
        vmovss  8(%rsi,%rcx), %xmm0
        leaq    (%rdx,%rax,4), %rcx
        movzbl  (%rcx), %eax
        vsubss  %xmm0, %xmm3, %xmm1
        vcvtsi2ss       %eax, %xmm2, %xmm2
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm5, %xmm4
        vfmadd132ss     %xmm0, %xmm4, %xmm2
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm6, %xmm4
        vmulss  %xmm1, %xmm7, %xmm1
        vcvttss2si      %xmm2, %eax
        vxorps  %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm2
        movb    %al, (%rcx)
        movzbl  1(%rcx), %eax
        vcvtsi2ss       %eax, %xmm2, %xmm2
        vfmadd132ss     %xmm0, %xmm4, %xmm2
        vcvttss2si      %xmm2, %eax
        vxorps  %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm2
        movb    %al, 1(%rcx)
        movzbl  2(%rcx), %eax
        vcvtsi2ss       %eax, %xmm2, %xmm2
        vfmadd132ss     %xmm2, %xmm1, %xmm0
        vcvttss2si      %xmm0, %eax
        movb    %al, 2(%rcx)
        cmpl    %r8d, %edi
        ja      .L5
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8

current trunk looks the same.
Comment 2 Richard Biener 2019-09-11 10:19:54 UTC
Errr, before we _dont_ vectorize.
Comment 3 Richard Biener 2019-09-11 10:33:40 UTC
Reducing the VF here should be the goal.  For the particular case "filling"
the holes with neutral data and blending in the original values at store time
will likely be optimal.  So do

  tem = vector load
  zero all [4] elements
  blend in 'tem' into the [4] elements
  vector store

eliding all the shuffling/striding.  Should end up at a VF of 4 (SSE) or 8 (AVX).

Doesn't fit very well into the current vectorizer architecture.

So currently we can only address this from the costing side.

arm can probably leverage load/store-lanes here.

With char elements and an SLP size of 3 it's probably the worst case we can
think of.
Comment 4 Jakub Jelinek 2019-09-11 12:11:00 UTC
The endless series of vpextrb look terrible, can't that be handled by possibly masked permutation?
Comment 5 Uroš Bizjak 2019-09-11 12:21:24 UTC
(In reply to Richard Biener from comment #3)
> Reducing the VF here should be the goal.  For the particular case "filling"
> the holes with neutral data and blending in the original values at store time
> will likely be optimal.  So do
>   tem = vector load
>   zero all [4] elements
>   compute
>   blend in 'tem' into the [4] elements
>   vector store

MASKMOVDQU [1] should be an excellent fit here.

[1] https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/maskmovdqu
Comment 6 rguenther@suse.de 2019-09-11 12:27:04 UTC
On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, ubizjak at gmail dot com wrote:

> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91735
> --- Comment #5 from Uroš Bizjak <ubizjak at gmail dot com> ---
> (In reply to Richard Biener from comment #3)
> > Reducing the VF here should be the goal.  For the particular case "filling"
> > the holes with neutral data and blending in the original values at store time
> > will likely be optimal.  So do
> > 
> >   tem = vector load
> >   zero all [4] elements
> >   compute
> >   blend in 'tem' into the [4] elements
> >   vector store
> MASKMOVDQU [1] should be an excellent fit here.

Yes, but it's probably slower.  And it avoids store data races,
of course plus avoids epilogue peeling (eventually).
Comment 7 rguenther@suse.de 2019-09-11 12:51:42 UTC
On Wed, 11 Sep 2019, jakub at gcc dot gnu.org wrote:

> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91735
> Jakub Jelinek <jakub at gcc dot gnu.org> changed:
>            What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                  CC|                            |jakub at gcc dot gnu.org
> --- Comment #4 from Jakub Jelinek <jakub at gcc dot gnu.org> ---
> The endless series of vpextrb look terrible, can't that be handled by possibly
> masked permutation?

Sure, just nobody implemented support for that into the strided
store code (likewise for strided loads).  I'm also not sure it is
really faster in the end.  Maybe VPMULTISHIFTQB can also help.
Comment 8 Richard Biener 2019-09-11 13:13:01 UTC
The most trivial improvement is likely to recognize the vector parts we can
store via HImode.  There's already support for that but only if we can uniformly
use HImode and not a mix of sizes.
Comment 9 Richard Biener 2019-09-11 13:22:22 UTC
(In reply to Richard Biener from comment #8)
> The most trivial improvement is likely to recognize the vector parts we can
> store via HImode.  There's already support for that but only if we can
> uniformly
> use HImode and not a mix of sizes.

While for loads we need N "same" pieces to be able to build the CONSTRUCTOR
for stores we can do arbitrary extracts so the strided store code could
be refactored to decide on that in the main loop walking over the actual
elements to store rather than computing this upfront (I sort-of copied the
handling from the strided load code retaining this restriction).  Might
get rid of 1/3 of the pextracts.
Comment 10 Richard Biener 2019-09-11 13:44:16 UTC
Can't really decipher what clang does here.  it seems to handle even/odd
lanes separately, doing 24 vpextrb stores per loop iteration.  Possibly
simply an interleaving scheme...
Comment 11 Richard Biener 2019-09-13 12:12:12 UTC
Created attachment 46880 [details]

This improves code-gen to use pextrw where possible but that doesn't make any measurable difference on runtime.  Maybe the example loop isn't representative
or the improvement isn't big enough.
Comment 12 Jakub Jelinek 2020-03-12 11:58:35 UTC
GCC 9.3.0 has been released, adjusting target milestone.
Comment 13 Richard Biener 2021-06-01 08:15:19 UTC
GCC 9.4 is being released, retargeting bugs to GCC 9.5.
Comment 14 Richard Biener 2022-05-27 09:41:23 UTC
GCC 9 branch is being closed
Comment 15 Jakub Jelinek 2022-06-28 10:38:28 UTC
GCC 10.4 is being released, retargeting bugs to GCC 10.5.
Comment 16 Richard Biener 2023-07-07 10:36:00 UTC
GCC 10 branch is being closed.
Comment 17 Richard Biener 2024-07-19 13:05:56 UTC
GCC 11 branch is being closed.