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GCC 4.8.0 Status Report (2012-10-29), Stage 1 to end soon


I'd like to close the stage 1 phase of GCC 4.8 development
on Monday, November 5th.  If you have still patches for new features you'd
like to see in GCC 4.8, please post them for review soon.  Patches
posted before the freeze, but reviewed shortly after the freeze, may
still go in, further changes should be just bugfixes and documentation

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from Last Report
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1               23   + 23
P2               77   +  8
P3               85   + 84
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total           185   +115

Previous Report

The next report will be sent by me again, announcing end of stage 1.

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