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Re: where can I find for distributed compilation?

On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 11:36:50AM +0100, Jes?s Barba Romero wrote:
> I am a student of Castilla-La Mancha University and new in gcc compiler
> but I'm working in muy PFC. The goal of it is make gcc realy distributed
> using CORBA and XML specification of RTL for comunitation  between
> client and server.

That's a ... *stunning* idea.

> My question is ... is there anything about it yet developed ?? someone
> know where I can find information about works like this ?? 
> If someone is interesting in, I wil be very pleasure of sharing muy
> ideas and .... listeing to others (there are a lot of prob lems)..

To the best of my knowledge no one has ever suggested such a thing
before.  It would certainly be difficult.  In my humble opinion there
are dozens of projects which would be easier, more useful, and more
interesting.  May I suggest you flip through our project list, at ?


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