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Re: other/8974: fabs error with -ansi

Synopsis: fabs error with -ansi

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: bangerth
State-Changed-When: Fri Dec 20 19:37:38 2002
    The problem you write seems as if for certain numbers the
    implementation of fabs is doing something wrong, but only
    on certain machines. Now, fabs is a function that libm
    implements, not the compiler, so to find out where the
    problem lies exactly, try the following:
    - try linking with -static on a machine where it works.
      This makes sure that not the local libm is taken, but the
      one from the system where it works. Try the other way
      round and see whether it then also fails on the machines
      it worked on previously.
    - Try what happens when you switch on optimization.
    Just for the reference, I cannot reproduce the problem
    on a PIII, but that was to be expected from your report.

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