[v3] deprecated ext/hash_map, ext/hash_set

Joe Buck Joe.Buck@synopsys.COM
Wed Oct 17 21:29:00 GMT 2007

On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 03:35:32PM -0500, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
> This moves <ext/hash_map> and <ext/hash_set> into backwards.  Since
> the introduction of TR1's unordered containers, these old hash
> containers have been de facto deprecated: this just makes it official
> to those not paying attention.

That will be a bit of an inconvenience (it will probably break the
compile for a number of packages in the distros), but it's easy
enough to work around.

> For my next couple tricks, I will be attempting to deprecate (in C++0x
> mode) auto_ptr, binder1st, and vector<bool>.

Deprecating vector<bool> is a tricky issue.  The specialization was
not really a good idea, but having a vector<bool> without caring
about the space optimization is perfectly valid.

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