CNI and garbage collection

Daniel Walter
Sat Dec 13 22:56:00 GMT 2008

As I look through the documentation of CNI, I have not found anything about 
how Garbage Collection is done.  Is there a section on this?

Questions on GC.
1. In section 11.8 of the manual, a hashtable is created with new 
java::util::Hashtable(120).  How is this deallocated?  Based on what I have 
seen, it would need to be deleted in C++ which would release it to the GC to 
decide when Java is done with it for actual destruction.  Is this correct?

2. If I get a reference to an object as a result of a function call, how 
does this effect Garbage Collection of this object.  Do I need to delete 
this object for Garabage Collection.


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