Mohan Embar
Sun Jun 22 13:08:00 GMT 2003

Hi Erik,

>By the way, InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() works fine on linux. On Windows,
>it returns "localhost".
>Getting NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() to work on win32 would be nice to
>have. The fact that InetAddress.getLocalHost() doesn't work, is at this point a real

So you've identified two things that are different / unimplemented. I'll add the first
one to my list. (The second was already on my list.) Can you think of anything else

Can you write two simple tests which exercise the above two items on Linux? Do
you have a Sun JRE on Windows (preferably 1.4.x)? Could you also verify that these
tests run properly under the Win32 JRE and produce results that you expect?

I'm throwing down the gauntlet: after I work through my personal list, if people see
differences / unimplemented things in the 3.4 MingW stuff (not java.nio, but for the moment), I will address these in the order that people send me
simple testcases that work on Sun's JRE 1.4.x - so <i>you</i> will be driving the

-- Mohan

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