Compiling "static" applications with SWT/GTK

Andrew Haley
Mon Dec 1 14:55:00 GMT 2003

Ranjit Mathew writes:
 > Andrew Haley wrote:
 > >  > However, the problem is *usability* as pointed out
 > >  > earlier.
 > > 
 > > It's been pointed out, but I do not believe that an executable
 > > packaged with a DSO is any less "usable" than a statically linked
 > > executable.
 > Compare the sizes of the statically linked (and possibly stripped)
 > executable and the dynamically linked executable plus and
 > you should see what I mean.
 > Once again, this can possibly be improved upon by breaking the
 > monolithic into smaller, relatively independent DSOs.
 > But till such a time, we should appreciate the problem faced by
 > developers of small applications using GCJ

I *do* appreciate them.  That's why I'm pushing to get binary
compatibility right and when that's done will push for libgcj to be
included in every free OS distribution.

 >  and not abhor static linking the way we seem to.

I don't abhor it.  I'm happy to look at patches that make it easier.

 > On the other hand, being a part of GCC increases its chance of
 > being included by default, the way is.)

Precisely.  That is the right answer.


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