HORRIBLE inliner defaillance

Paolo Carlini pcarlini@unitus.it
Fri Oct 24 18:37:00 GMT 2003

Benjamin Kosnik wrote:

>>following up to Jerry heads up of a while ago
>>(http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/2003-02/msg00056.html) I really
>>would like to have some feedback from the compiler people about
>>this horrible thing.
>(This is what should be linked in the TODO, sorry)
VERY STUPID me! A while ago I have discussed privately with Nathan 
Richard's reply...

The point is, now I understand that, at the time, I didn't really get 
Richard's point: this made me unconsiously believe I had already tried 
(I tried!) changing the signature in all the meaningful ways...

'll let you know...


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