Convert GCC under Cygwin Name Mangling to VC++ Name Mangling

Francisco J. Royo Santas
Wed Dec 13 16:19:00 GMT 2006

Quoting John Love-Jensen <>:

> Hi Francisco,
> GCC's C++ is not compatible with MS Dev Studio's C++.  They have
> incompatible C++ ABIs.
> Why would you want the MSDevStudio's Visual C++ name mangling?
> Sincerely,
> --Eljay

I need it because I have to join a package made for linux with a big windows
project. When I compile it with GCC I do it under Cygwin so it generates an
.exe that, linked to a cygwin dll, runs on Windows platform. I already 
built an
.exe version of the package but now I need the DLL to join it to a bigger

Thanks and g'bye

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