missing io.h header file?

Claudio Bley bley@cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Thu Sep 5 06:43:00 GMT 2002

>>>>> "Valery" == Valery Kobrin <vkobrin@hotmail.com> writes:

    Valery> I have an OpenBSD 3.1 box with gcc included in the OS and
    Valery> I could not find the io.h file or any other header file,
    Valery> containing access() function. Is it missing in OpenBSD or
    Valery> does not included in gcc at all?

Usually GCC comes with no header files that you want to use
directly. Your C library should provide the standard functions. 

I suppose you meant this function: ?
| ACCESS(2)                  System calls                 ACCESS(2)
|        access - check user's permissions for a file
|        #include <unistd.h>
|        int access(const char *pathname, int mode);

This is an extract of the man page on my Linux box - I don't know
where OpenBSD (resp. your C library) declares that function, but try
'man 2 access'.


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