c++/4924: G++ (3.0.2) ICE with -O3 on hppa linux; fixed by

Randolph Chung randolph@tausq.org
Fri Dec 7 00:58:00 GMT 2001

Just a bit more info on this...

The ICE is in make_edge in flow.c. Compiling with -fno-inline-functions
-O3 works around the ICE.

The bug is not there in the latest snapshot (2001-12-03) on hppa as

I see that flow.c has been broken into many files, so it's hard to tell
what has changed. If someone can give us a pointer to what patch might
have fixed this we'll try to backport it to 3.0.2

   @..@                                         http://www.TauSq.org/
 ( >__< )
 ^^ ~~ ^^

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