List of all members.
Public Types
typedef _Period period
typedef _Rep rep
Public Member Functions
template<typename _Rep2 , typename = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Rep2, rep>::value && (treat_as_floating_point<rep>::value || !treat_as_floating_point<_Rep2>::value)>::type> duration (const _Rep2 &__rep)
duration (const duration &)
template<typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 , typename = typename enable_if<treat_as_floating_point<rep>::value || (ratio_divide<_Period2, period>::type::den == 1 && !treat_as_floating_point<_Rep2>::value)>::type> duration (const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__d)
rep count () const
template<typename _Rep2 = rep> enable_if
< _Rep2 >::value, duration & >
::type operator%= (const rep &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep2 = rep> enable_if
< _Rep2 >::value, duration & >
::type operator%= (const duration &__d)
duration & operator*= (const rep &__rhs)
duration operator+ () const
duration & operator++ ()
duration operator++ (int)
duration & operator+= (const duration &__d)
duration operator- () const
duration & operator-- ()
duration operator-- (int)
duration & operator-= (const duration &__d)
duration & operator/= (const rep &__rhs)
duration & operator= (const duration &)
static_assert (!__is_duration< _Rep >::value,"rep cannot be a duration")
static_assert (_Period::num > 0,"period must be positive")
static_assert (__is_ratio< _Period >::value,"period must be a specialization of ratio")
Static Public Member Functions
Detailed Description
template<typename _Rep, typename _Period>
struct std::chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period >
Definition at line 201 of file chrono.
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