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Re: BuildError f/

>There might be a small reason, namely that some gnu coding standards (gnits ?)
>state that documentation installation should be separate from normal 

I don't recall reading that, but I don't keep up much with GNU coding
standards these days.  There's no separation of installation of docs
from "make install" -- in egcs, anyway -- in that the docs are installed
along with everything else when performing that step, and I don't
think, offhand, the relevant "subtargets" are documented.

And, I'd *think* it's non-negotiable that anything installed by "make
install" must have been built during the "make" (aka "make all") step
that preceded it (if so).

>Looking thru the Makefiles, I still can see some evidence of that,
>such as the doc target being  separate from the main build, and invoked
>only at the install-info/install stage.

Methinks that was just a bug.  Remember, *building* the Info files
was a New Thing for gcc users when egcs happened, so it can't be
that old.  In gcc2, the .info files are (still, I assume) shipped
with the distribution, already built.  I doubt it was intentional
to push the building of the docs off until "make install" time -- if
so, it seems to be now seen as a bug, due to (for example) wanting
to allow `root' to install after `joeuser' does the build in a
directory to which `root' has no write access.

In essence, this patch of mine fixes egcs to work the way gcc2 always
has (modulo any bugs there, of course): "make install" installs the
Info docs, without having to build them to do it, assuming a successful
"make" has already been completed.

>But it's probably not quite right, unless proper documentation building
>truely requires it, to lump documentation building with normal building

If normal installation installs documentation, then normal building
must build it.  That seems obvious enough, because documentation
is not fundamentally different from executables and libraries,
from the point of view of a typical user of a source distribution.

Adding to the complication in egcs is that one document,,
is built from a .texi file that, in turn, is built from other sources,
including g77 front-end "code", by other g77 "code", which is
compiled and executed...but that .texi file is shipped anyway (I
forget why we do that offhand), so it lives in the *source* directory.

That means, if it is not up-to-date (according to the relevant timestamps),
building the docs triggers writing that .texi file.

And *that* means, if "make install" builds the docs, "make install"
might try to write into the *source* directory for egcs.

Which is something of a hassle, if that source directory is on CD-ROM.

(Fixing egcs seemed easier, to me, than personally upgrading everybody's
CD-ROM to CD-R, etc.  :)

In summary: I believe this problem is solved, at least until it gets
broken again, as of today's version (19990222) of egcs 1.2.  It's
worth testing again, once in a while.

        tq vm, (burley)

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