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Re: [Java-gnome-developer] Java-Gnome: jni or cni

>>>>> "Cedric" == Cedric Berger <> writes:

[ followups trimmed ]

>> How about asking Sun to support CNI then ?

Cedric> Bleah
Cedric> They technically cannot support it.
Cedric> CNI doesn't work with precise copying collectors, AFAIK.

CNI requires modifications to your C++ compiler to work.
There's no technical reason that one couldn't modify a C++ compiler
to also work with a precise copying collector while you're at it.

That's not to say it might not be hard.  For GCC it looks basically
unfeasible.  I suspect nobody will ever make the effort.

Perhaps this is a distinction without a difference?  Sometimes I find
it interesting to contemplate CNI's definition as separable from its
current implementation.


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