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Re: javax.mail, classpath and classpathx

Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> Here is the sequence that worked this time(Linux Redhat9):
> $ cvs co mail
> $ ./configure
> $ make
> I only have GCJ installed, no javac. lib/inetlib.jar and
> lib/activation.jar are indeed present. 

and it compiles? what version of (lib)gcj are you using?

> I now get further, but it still does not work:
> - When I try to run my example program from within Suns JRE, I get the
> error below. I can't find any references to it in classpath or
> classpathx
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/security/sasl/SaslException

you need either j2re 1.4 or the javax-security.jar from gnu crypto at
runtime. i will make this explicit in the documentation. the
javax-security.jar is included in inetlib cvs.

you will also require an implementation of jsse (j2re 1.4, sun's jsse
implementation, and jessie are known to work) if you want to do starttls
(option enabled by default, see the provider javadoc).
chris burdess

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