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Re: javax.mail, classpath and classpathx

> > - I fetched the files for classpathx from CVS and tried to compile.
> > After some fiddling around, I discovered how to get ./configure + make
> > going and I ended up with various .jar files. First I tried and failed
> > this under CygWin, but then I remembered my Linux machine in the closet
> > and voila!
> what fiddling did you need to do? i.e. why did a straight ./configure &&
> make fail?

I don't know why, and the problem did not repeat itself when I retried,
but I was unable to compile the classpathx/mail before I compiled the
activation directory.

Here is the sequence that worked this time(Linux Redhat9):

$ cvs co mail
$ ./configure
$ make

I only have GCJ installed, no javac. lib/inetlib.jar and
lib/activation.jar are indeed present. 

I now get further, but it still does not work:

- When I try to run my example program from within Suns JRE, I get the
error below. I can't find any references to it in classpath or

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/security/sasl/SaslException
	at javax.mail.Service.connect(
	at javax.mail.Service.connect(
	at Send.main(
Exception in thread "main" 

- I suppose I have to figure the above out before, I can try to compile
my app.

C:\eclipse\workspace\SendMail>\thisiscool-gcc\gcc-3.4\bin\gcj -c -o
inetlib.o inetlib.jar

See err.txt attached.


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Description: Text document

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