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Re: Git question: Rebasing a user branch

On 2/4/20 5:09 PM, Andreas Schwab wrote:
On Feb 04 2020, Bill Schmidt wrote:

Hm.  If I'm understanding you correctly, this still attempts to create a
new branch:

wschmidt@marlin:~/newgcc/gcc/config/rs6000$ git push --dry-run
users/wschmidt +wschmidt/builtins:users/wschmidt/builtins
Sorry, that needs to be fully qualified, as it is not under refs/heads
(and /heads/ was missing on the remote side):


Thanks!  That worked:

git push users/wschmidt +wschmidt/builtins:refs/users/wschmidt/heads/builtins

Regarding your other suggestion, I don't like to use -f given that I've noticed it will sometimes attempt to push other local branches as well.  But it looks to be unnecessary with this method.

Much obliged!


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