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GCC 6 Status Report (2016-03-10)


GCC trunk is still in regression and documentation fixes stage.

We're now half-way through our usual period of shaking out regressions
before a new release which would be released mid April if we can trust
past years experience.

The number of serious regressions has decreased significantly but there
are still a number of release blockers (bugs with priority P1) as well
as regressions in UNCONFIRMED / WAITING state (and thus still unprioritized
or P3).  So if you choose to work on fixing some of the serious regressions
the usual ordering applies (P1, any wrong-code/rejects-valid, P2, the rest).
If you want to help but can't really fix things then looking at
UNCONFIRMED or WAITING state bugs would be nice.

Please also keep in mind that targets not in our primary or secondary
list of targets never qualify for a serious regression but regressions
there are downgraded to P4 or P5.  Maintainers of such targets should
consult the "all regressions" link from our main page and make sure
the release will be in good enough shape for them themselves.

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from last report
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1               16    -  17
P2               82    -  21
P3               14    -  29
P4		106    -   4
P5		 28    -   2
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total P1-P3     112    -  67
Total		246    -  73

Previous Report

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