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GCC 6 Status Report (2016-01-20), Stage 3 ended


Stage 3 has now officially ended and trunk is in regression and
documentation fixes stage now.  This means any new features or
fixes for bugs that are not regressions have to wait for GCC 7 now.

Please help analyze unconfirmed bugs in the list of serious regressions
and work towards eliminating the remaining P1 regressions.  As usual
if we reach zero P1 regressions we are ready to branch and release GCC 6.

The quality data below reflects categorizing bugs from the "no priority" P3
to others as well as our recent progress in eliminating regressions.
Bugs with priority P1 and P2 affect primary and secondary targets while
P4 and P5 might only affect the rest of targets and non-C/C++ frontends.

Quality Data

Priority          #   Change from last report
--------        ---   -----------------------
P1               33    +  30 
P2              103    +  19
P3               43    - 103
P4		110    +  27
P5		 30    -   2
--------        ---   -----------------------
Total P1-P3     179    -  54
Total		319    -  29

Previous Report

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