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Re: Offloading GSOC 2015

Hi all,

I've started to prepare my gsoc proposal for gcc's openmp for gpus.
However i'm little bit confused about which ideas, i mentioned last my
mail, should i propose or which one of them is interesting for gcc.
I'm willing to work on data clauses to enhance performance of shared
memory. Or maybe it might be interesting to work on OpenMP 4.1 draft
version. How do you think i should propose idea?

GÃray Ãzen

2015-03-12 12:23 GMT+01:00 guray ozen <>:
> Hi Thomas,
> How can i progress about giving official proposal?  Which topics are
> GCC interested in?
> So far, i have been tried to influence the evolution of the omp 4.0
> accelerator model. Sum up of my small achievements until now
> - Using Shared Memory in a efficient way
> --- I allowed array privatization for private/firstprivate clause of
> teams and distribute directives
> --- But it is not possible to use private/firstprivate for big arrays.
> --- That's why I added dist_private([CHUNK] var-list) and
> dist_firstprive([CHUNK] var-list) clause in order to use shared memory
> for big arrays. briefly it is not putting all array into shared
> memory. it is putting chunk of array into shared memory. and each
> block is dealing with own chunk.
> --- I added dist_lastprivate([CHUNK] var-list). Basically lastprivate
> is not exist according to omp 4.0 standards, since there is no way to
> do synchronization among GPU Blocks. But i took off this clause
> doesn't need sync because it is using CHUNK. Thus, i can re-collect
> data from shared memory. (you can see its animation at slide page
> 11-12 )
> - Extension of device clause
> --- I behave target directive as a task. Since i implemented based on
> OmpSs, thus OmpSs can manage my task.
> --- I didn't wait used to pass integer for device() clause. Thus
> runtime automatically started to manage multiple GPU. (OmpSs runtime
> is already doing this)
> --- Also device-to-device data transfer became available. (Normally
> there is no way to do this in omp)
> (you can see its animation at slide page 10 )
> Additionally, Nowadays i am working on 2 topic
> 1 - How to take advantage Dynamic parallelism.
> --- While doing this, I am comparing dynamic parallelism with creation
> extra threads in advance instead creating new kernel. Because DP
> causes overhead and sometimes it might need communication between
> child-parent thread. (for example when reduction occurred. and only
> way to communicate global memory)
> 2 - Trying to find some advantages of Dynamic compilation. (from
> opencl side is already available. form nvidia side it is just
> announced with 7.0 nvrtc runtime compilation)
> Best Regards,
> GÃray Ãzen
> ~grypp
> 2015-03-11 13:53 GMT+01:00 Thomas Schwinge <>:
>> Hi!
>> On Tue, 3 Mar 2015 16:16:21 +0100, guray ozen <> wrote:
>>> I finished my master at Barcelona Supercomputing Center and i started
>>> to do PhD. My master thesis code generation OpenMP 4.0 for GPU
>>> accelerators. And i am still working on it.
>>> Last year i presented my research compiler MACC at IWOMP'14 which is
>>> based on OmpSs runtime ( You can check here my
>>> paper and related paper
>>> As far as i know, GCC 5 will come with OpenMP 4.0 and OpenACC
>>> offloading. I am wondering that are there a any project related code
>>> generation within gsoc 2015? Because when i checked todo list about
>>> offloading, i couldn't come accross. or what am i supposed to do?
>> The idea that you propose seems like a fine project for GSoC --
>> definitely there'll be enough work to be done.  ;-)
>> Somebody from the GCC side needs to step up as a mentor.
>> GrÃÃe,
>>  Thomas

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