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GCC Plug-in Framework ready to port

Dear mailing list:

My research group (the High-Confidence Operating Systems group at Stony Brook University;
home page continues to use a modified branch of
Subversion GCC that hosts plug-ins written in C, C++, and (with a little work) Python.

We published a GCC Summit paper on this, called "Extending GCC with Modular GIMPLE
Optimizations" (Callanan, Dean, and Zadok). We have developed a variety of plug-ins,

- A GIMPLE virtual machine, developed by another team at the university,
- A generic run-time AOP architecture, currently in preparation,
- Bounds-checkers and execution tracers,

and more.

We are willing to contribute the effort necessary to integrate this system into the current
main-line GCC, and feel that it is simple and general enough that many other systems could
be built on top of it.

We've been off the ML for some time, but we're still out there. Is this something that is
wanted, or have we been overtaken by events and should be porting to someone else's

Sean Callanan

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