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Re: FW: Symbol Table Export From GCC?

>>>>> "Gary" == Gary Jackson <> writes:

Gary> I am developing a software analysis tool and wanted to , if I
Gary> can, make it accept information exported from gcc compilations
Gary> of C++ code, for example.

If it is free software, how about putting it directly into g++?

If it is not free software... I'm afraid you are looking at the wrong

Gary> Can you give me any hints as to where to look (e.g. which files)
Gary> to find such cross reference information?

Really you're talking about the compiler IR.  There's some
documentation, e.g., c-tree.texi.  This stuff isn't really kept in one
place, it is spread out all over; which makes sense since this is the
major thing that a front end computes.

Gary> Has anyone written something already for the compiler suite that will
Gary> export the symbod table for use by external tools?

Search through the archives, I think there are several threads about
this.  IIRC in the past there were some political difficulties in this
area; but these days perhaps (I hope) the situation may be changing.
It is hard to know.

Gary> I figure if there was information in a symbol table as opposed to in a
Gary> tree it would be easier to process.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you... any C-like language is going to
have multiple scopes whose natural representation is a tree.  For C++
the situation is going to be even more complicated.


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