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gccadmin's crontab

For a while gccadmin's crontab has been out of sync with the version in 
CVS (maintainer-scripts/crontab).  That in use has

43 10 * * 5 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 4.1:HEAD           -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all

while that in CVS has

43 17 * * 6 sh /home/gccadmin/scripts/gcc_release -s 4.1:HEAD           -l -d /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc all

It may of course be necessary to make changes to the live crontab for 
testing before checking them in, but once tested they should be posted to 
gcc-patches and checked in.

Joseph S. Myers      (personal mail) (CodeSourcery mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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