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Re: c/c++ validator

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
Tommy Vercetti <> writes:

| On Sunday 19 June 2005 03:03, you wrote:
| > Tommy Vercetti <> writes:
| > | On Sunday 19 June 2005 00:32, you wrote:
| > | > Something like:
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > | Yeah, but for more than just STL, and opensource. C++ checker that
| > | is going to work for instance for KDE.
| > | Wonder why they use proprietary parser,
| >
| > maybe because they work? ;-p
| | > | there are opensource
| > | parsers around, like elsa, or gcc c++ parser.
| >
| > Elsa does not parse C++.
| Elsa is for C/C++, so it says on their website.

I know what the website says. My comment was about the actual *uses*
of the parser. Have you tried it on actual C++ programs?

How about gccxml:


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