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Re: forestalling GNU incompatibility - proposal for binary relative dynamic linking

   What I'm fighting with is a true clean bootstrap of it in a cross
   OS build of the whole tool-chain.

You gotta be one hell of a smart guy then, cause I do it all the time
from GNU/Linux to GNU, and OpenBSD to GNU.  And since I'm lazy, I have
a recipie that does that for me.

   > And even if it wouldn't compile with 3.4, you can always use a
   > older version of gcc, and still be able to not introduce any
   > incompatibilities.

   You are joking? Aren't you? Again this is another idea you spread
   which results only in a waste of time. I wish you a lot of fun with
   NPTL and old GCC versions.

You should compile things with what they were tested with unless you
are prepeared to fix things, which you are obviously not.  But you
don't get this is because you are such a smart guy who knows

Please go troll with else, since this will be my last message to you;
and proboly this thread as a whole.

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