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PR 7013 [IA64] redeclaring volatile objects forces them always into long data

What is the process for closing a PR where no patch is needed?  I am
loooking at PR 7013 and I cannot reproduce the problem on any IA64 GCC
compiler I have.  Using the test program from the PR:

	extern volatile int vi;
	volatile int vi = -1;

with GCC 3.3 I get:

        .file   "v.c"
        .pred.safe_across_calls p1-p5,p16-p63
        .global vi#
        .section        .sdata,"aw",@progbits
        .align 4
        .type   vi#, @object
        .size   vi#, 4
        data4   -1
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 3.3"

Which shows that vi is in sdata, not data.  The 3.4 GCC and ToT GCC show
the same results.  I sent some email to Dara Hazeghi who supposedly
confirmed it but I got no reply.

I think this PR should be closed but I don't know how to get that done.

Steve Ellcey

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