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RE: [Lsb-wg] opposition to LSB 2.0 rc1

>Rewording the C++ part as a migration reference of some sort might work
>as I know vendors really don't want to lose it. I know it 
>won't make the vendor who voted against any happier but at least making
>it clear that the C++ stuff is broken, we know its broken and it'll be
>obsoleted ASAP would set the right expectations all around.

Open to suggestions on how C++ could be delivered in a way that
makes it both not seem like a permanent solution and yet seem
usable to people who want to start developing C++ LSB applications.
In other words, not such a strong statement that it looks like
we're locked in forever, but not such a weak statement that 
nobody bothers to use it because they can't depend on it on
an LSB 2.0 system.

We haven't come up with a plan that makes that look right -
but that may not mean it's impossible to do so.

This issue highlights why the LSB stays out of package/version
level decisions and focuses on functional descriptions, despite
how much slower that makes evolving the LSB. package/version
means you have to get everybody to sync up at the same time,
and it's basically impossible. Unfortunately the implementation
of C++ seems to make it impossible to stay out of those waters.

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