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Re: Signature verification problem...

Gerald Pfeifer wrote:

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

Perhaps we could put this information on the website somewhere?
Ideally with Mark's key fingerprint included.

That looks to me to be a good suggestion -- the keys would
be those of people "authorized" to upload GCC on
and I believe all of them have signed GGC tarballs as of today.

Yes, even though this only applies to (and not it looks like a good idea.

I went ahead and committed the patch below, as an initial attempt; please
complete your information, Gaby and Mark.

(Mark, I noticed that on the public key servers your key does not seem to
have any signatures. We should change that when we meet next. ;-) )

Yes, we should. I always end up missing the key-signing "parties".

Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC
(916) 791-8304

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