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Documentation for __aligned__ out of date?

The manual says:

     The `aligned' attribute can only increase the alignment; but you
     can decrease it by specifying `packed' as well.  See below.

But it doesn't seem to behave that way.  The third argument to .comm, below,
is alignment (i686-pc-linux-gnu):

drow@nevyn:/big/codesourcery% echo 'int x __attribute__((__aligned__(1)));' >qqqq.c
drow@nevyn:/big/codesourcery% gcc -S qqqq.c
drow@nevyn:/big/codesourcery% cat qqqq.s
        .file   "qqqq.c"
        .comm   x,4,1
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.4 (Debian 1:3.3.4-2)"

Shouldn't that be x,4,4?  Same thing happens with non-common variables, in
3.3 and HEAD.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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